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Cumru Elementary School Library: Home

Welcome to our Library!

LOL = Love Our Library!

New Library Books!

Bald Eagle PBL - Can we build a better nest?

Our Mentor Author, Louise Borden, teaches us about Henri Matisse

Mrs. Hoelscher's PBL Art Experts

Well, hello there!

Welcome to the Cumru Library! 

If you're looking for answers to your questions or the perfect book to sweep you right off your feet, you're at the right place!

Notice.  Observe.  Wonder.  Explore.  Discover.  Dream!

Need help? Just ask!

Here is your POWER Library E-Card Number: 24752000146744

Just Copy and Paste!

Find and borrow a BOOK right HERE!

Search our library catalog HERE!  If you find a book you'd like, just email Mrs. Swanson and she can deliver it to your classroom.  VIRTUAL STUDENTS - You may email as well.  Request books and arrange a time to pick up your library books here at Cumru!  Email Mrs. Swanson

Search Databases and Read Ebooks HERE!

Everything digital is found right here in MackinVIA! Click to find links to all of our databases, search engines, listening libraries, online encylopedias, and ebooks.  Things like PebbleGO, FactCite, Wonderopolis, TrueFlix, BookFlix, Epic, Tumblebooks, and Storyline Online are all right HERE!

Look at us!



Maker Space rocks!

Maker Noah

Maker Jada

Maker Aaliyah

Maker Nathaniel