Borrowing Books
Cumru students may come to the Library every single day! Children are welcome to visit the library once per day at anytime with their teacher’s permission. All students choose their own library books. Based on the library curriculum, some sections of the library are made available to students after specific lessons are taught.
When students borrow books, they accept the responsibility to care for the book. This includes keeping it in a safe place away from babies, pets, and water. Children should always tell library staff if they notice tears, crayon marks, or missing pages. We respectfully ask that you do not attempt to repair a damaged book at home.
IMPORTANT! Please take a few minutes to enjoy the book your child has selected and read together! Older students are more independent readers, but the children will often hear the phrase, "You are NEVER too old to be read to!" Even if you don't read the book together, take a minute each day to ask your child what s/he is reading. It's a great conversation starter!
School District Collection Development Policy
Process for Challenging Material
Overdue Books
Overdue notices are used as a reminder for students to return their books. Overdues are generated each Wednesday. After a book is overdue for one month, a letter is sent home with the cost to replace the book if it cannot be found. If a family is unable to pay the amount in full, we will work out a compensation plan.
If a family pays for a book and later finds the item, the money will be refunded (unless the book was damaged). Exact change or a check made payable to Governor Mifflin School District is accepted.
Please see Lost or Damaged Books for more information.
My child lost his/her book. What should we do?
Never fear! Books turn up in the funniest places! First, let the library know by sending an email here:
Then just keep looking everywhere for the book:
If it still doesn't turn up, we ask that you pay to replace it. If this is difficult for your family, we can make other arrangements to meet this obligation. No worries!
My book got wet/torn/chewed by our dog. What should we do?
As above, don't panic!
Also, PLEASE do not attempt to repair or replace the book yourself.
The Library has special tools and equipment and can often make a book good as new. If, however, the book is damaged beyond repair, we ask that you pay to replace it. If this is difficult for your family, we can make other arrangements to meet this obligation.
All grade levels receive library instruction. During class, students learn to use the library independently, how to care for books and technology, digital citizenship, and research skills. Above all, Ms. Brumbach enthusiastically strives to cultivate a love of reading and curiosity for learning in all library lessons.
Kindergarten lessons focus on the following concepts: